
Short intro on how to continue development.


pip install twine
pip install wheel
pip install -r requirements.txt

Build System

The build system uses DockerBuildManagement, which is installed with pip:

pip install DockerBuildManagement

Unit Tests

DockerBuildManagement is available as a cli command with dbm.

Open build-management.yml to see possible build steps.

dbm -swarm -start
dbm -test
dbm -swarm -stop

Publish Pypi Package

  1. Configure with new version.
  2. Package: python bdist_wheel
  3. Publish: twine check dist/*
  4. Publish: twine upload dist/*
  5. Or with dbm:
dbm -build -publish
  1. Or directly with docker:
docker run -it -v $PWD/:/data -w /data python:3.8-buster bash
# From inside container, run:
pip install twine wheel
python bdist_wheel
twine check dist/*
twine upload dist/*

Sphinx Documentation

Do following commands, and locate the document on http://localhost:8100

cd ./docs/
pip install -r requirements.txt
sphinx-autobuild -b html --host --port 8100 ./ ./_build

Or with dbm:

dbm -build -run docs